Sunday 20 March 2011

2 Cake Orders

Two friends ordered cakes from me! So happy. But they are due on the same day, so i spent the whole day with my decorating tools. These are the results.
My friend, being part of the NTU floorball team ordered this cake for her team. She wanted a simple cake, so i suggested a jersey cake. I followed accordingly to the colour of their jersey, which was red. I had a hard time covering the cake, but i really love how it turn out. It was nicely covered. Super proud of myself. Since it is for a group of girls, i wanted to make boobs. My friend was so excited about it, she even wanted a D size boobs! Does this look D size to you? This cake was a chocolate cake with ganache, 8inch. After cutting up the cake, i used the remaining and made them into blocks, and pasted "BIMBOS!" on as requested by my friend.
The second cake i made was for a friend's friend's 21st! My friend organized a surprise party for her friend and ordered a cake for me. I deviated from the original design i had in mind, but still happy that it turn out well. I brushed "21" with glitter, which made it bling bling as the bday's girl likes bling bling stuff! 


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