Tuesday 22 March 2011

Bernadette's Sugar Cookies

After finishing my Stitch cake order, and delivering it, hurry had to start on my cookies! Luckily my sister was around to help me. We had fun decorating the cookies for Bernadette! Sugar overload as they are covered with royal icing! Spent the whole afternoon doing it.
Played around with a few of my dust! Loved the outcome! I think i will spend more money getting different dust!
Holidays, can you hurry come please! So i can work and buy more things, and take in more orders!
**CakiePeckie wont be taking in orders for April.

Monday 21 March 2011

Stitch cake

Completed an order during the weekend. Undercharged again.. But i was quite happy with how the overall cake came out! Feel good about myself. Although some improvements can be made! Stitch playing with volleyball on an island himself, surrounded by sea.

Sunday 20 March 2011

2 Cake Orders

Two friends ordered cakes from me! So happy. But they are due on the same day, so i spent the whole day with my decorating tools. These are the results.
My friend, being part of the NTU floorball team ordered this cake for her team. She wanted a simple cake, so i suggested a jersey cake. I followed accordingly to the colour of their jersey, which was red. I had a hard time covering the cake, but i really love how it turn out. It was nicely covered. Super proud of myself. Since it is for a group of girls, i wanted to make boobs. My friend was so excited about it, she even wanted a D size boobs! Does this look D size to you? This cake was a chocolate cake with ganache, 8inch. After cutting up the cake, i used the remaining and made them into blocks, and pasted "BIMBOS!" on as requested by my friend.
The second cake i made was for a friend's friend's 21st! My friend organized a surprise party for her friend and ordered a cake for me. I deviated from the original design i had in mind, but still happy that it turn out well. I brushed "21" with glitter, which made it bling bling as the bday's girl likes bling bling stuff! 

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Castle cake: Important lesson Learnt

I am thankful to see her smile.
Ever since i started baking, i had been planning to make a very beautiful cake. But every year
i failed, and she was disappointed. This year, i was so excited with many ideas, i decided to make a castle cake for her, since she is the little princess in the family. But...
She requested for her fav flavour, chocolate banana cake. I agreed and made it accordingly,using WHIPPED CREAM. I remembered that whipped cream cannot touch fondant, as it will melt the fondant. I thought i was smart enough to coat the cake with ganache so the fondant isnt touching the whipped cream. As i finished decorating the cake after about 4 hours.. i started to realised the cake looks weirder each time. The fondant was looking more like marshmallow? Crumpled kind? Then. It suddenly hit me that the whipped cream needs to be refrigerated, while the fondant cannot. At that  moment, i felt like shooting myself. The whipped cream was getting softer each minute. The worst mistake i made, was to put the whole cake into the fridge. I thought that after taking out from the fridge, i can put it into the aircon room and blow for many
hours and the fondant will harden. But... IT DID NOT!!! When the cake was brought to the place for my mei mei to cut, the whole cake just...
looked like this...
Imagine the disappointment? I was so regretful, and blaming myself. I quickly did another cake, for her to cut it the next day, which was her actual birthday. But.. it was a simple celebration at home. I am sure she will be beaming with happiness if the cake wasnt destroyed, as everyone tells her how pretty her cake it. Is okay, she was still happy with the second cake i made her.
I most probably just ruined my own reputation as a baker, but this is an important lesson for me. Which i will not do again. Please appreciate the photos below.