Monday 20 February 2012

y Oven Exploded

Was just preheating the oven, and all of the sudden *Boom!* Glass pieces started to fly out from the oven?? The front glass didnt break though, only the glass on the inside. Quickly off the heat, and took a camera to take pictures.

When the glass pieces stopped flying out, opened the oven to check and all these dropped onto the floor. So dangerous..
Quickly look for warranty. But this oven passed a year, by a few months. But seriously wth right? Ovens are supposed to last for many many years. My National microwave oven is almost 20 years, or more. Working fine, except that the light fused.
So damn, warranty over and this happened. No way i am going to pay right?? Especially since this is not due to wear and tear. Google for the company, but a little hard to find though. It is not that sort, but . Totally doesnt bring happiness. Was very disappointed in the oven, other than this incident, the oven distribution of heat is not even, since the time i bought it.
Okay back to the incident. It happened just a few days before chinese new year, and some goodies not baked yet. Was quite annoyed. Called them up, and the person who picked up was not helpful at all. Instead of asking how am i or my family when i told her my oven exploded, she just said she dont know how did it actually happen, and blah blah. If you google, this isnt the first case of explosion from this brand. So the technician could only come and check one week after chinese new year, and she didnt offer any help or assistance during this period of time, especially when i told her that my oven is important to me.
So finally, the technician came. He seem to be in a hurry, came and took the glass door away, and within 10 mins he is out of the house. What kind of service is this?? Few days later, they called and told me that the door is repaired, and the cost is 90+. The cost of repair is not expensive, but why should i pay? I was even expecting a brand new oven. The very first time i called them up, i clearly told the person that i am not going to pay for anything, and that she assured me that the technician will inform me of the charges, and i can choose whether to repair or not.
As mentioned earlier, the technician came and left very quickly. And they didnt inform me of the charges. And this case is clearly the fault of the manufacturer. Like seriously, how could the glass break?? Obviously i argued with the person, telling her that i am not going to pay. So she said she will speak to her manager and inform me again.
In the end, they repaired the door without any charges, but i never got any explanation from them. Very bad service, and hopefully nothing goes wrong. This brand of oven is being sold in harvey norman, as i went there to check out. I thought since it is being sold in mainstream stores, it should be a good brand. But noooooo...
Many people said i shouldnt have let them off so easily, especially when they didnt offer any apology, explanantion or anything. Just very bad customer service. Disappointing.


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