Saturday 9 April 2011

Purple Gift Box

Happy 21st Birthday Adeline!
 Did this cake for her on the 2apr, had a surprise party for her at east coast park! All well planned by her dearest, Clarence! The cake is 3D gift box. Purple is Ade's fav colour! One of her reactions was " Wow! My fav colour! "
This is a 2 tier cake, 6" and 8". Top tier is lemon, bottom is chocolate. I love the lemon cake which i came up with!  Love it! During holidays i will try to improve many other flavours recipes! The chocolate cake was yummy too! The taste was a little more on the dark side, i wonder is it because of the different chocolate i used. Anyway, The cake was well received! Ade's friends were all so supportive. (:
I kept forgetting to weight my cake. This cake looks small, but i think it is pretty heavy? My arms were complaining after holding for just 5 mins? Or rather, my arms are weak. It ached on the night.. I guess it is time to exercise! I must remember to stretch around, especially when i am doing cakes. I always end up with stiff shoulders after decorating cakes. Okay, good bye!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Shin Chan

2nd april was a very busy day. Had to complete two rather big cakes, and attend two birthday parties. It was an almost sleepless night! Panda eyes. ): He initially wanted a Shin Chan cake, but i thought it will be difficult and time consuming to do the figurine! So i suggested a 3d spongebob cake. But as the date drew nearer, i realised i will not have enough time to do the spongebob cake. I was fretting over the design for this cake for awhile, then... I saw one of my cake decorating friend's photo on facebook! She tooked up a few diploma class, and the latest one i saw was about chocolate drawing! Tada! I decided to use chocolate to draw out the SHIN CHAN, since this was the original cartoon he wanted! He loved this cartoon since he was young, and i was surprised that he still liked!
My white chocolate dried very fast after coloring it. I did the image the night before to let the outline(Dark chocolate) set completely. When i transfered the chocolate over to the cake, i realised that there were several holes on the underneadth, most probably because my white chocolate wasnt liquid enough to flow. Also, the fragile parts like the hands and legs cracked. So i quickly melted more white chocolate to cover it up since my outline was already done! The white chocolate was better, so it flowed pretty well to cover up the spot. 2/3 of the cake was lemon flavour and 1/3 was chocolate. I wanted to add in more varieties. 

See how ugly the cake became... His mum friends wanted to smash XZ's head into the cake, but she warn them many many times not to do it because it was my effort! Her friends then tried to use a small part of the cake to smear on XZ's face. But when they put their hand to the cake, trying to get the "cream" they stunned! Hahaha, the cake doesnt have any cream! If only i was fast enough to take picture of them reactions.. Hahahaha. So they ended up trying to stick the fondant onto XZ's face. Shin Chan's shirt came off while cutting, because the chocolate was a whole piece on its own!  The cake was well received, especially by my family! They were so supportive, i guess after seeing my improvements. I remembered in the past, they will always have many things to say about the cake, to give me some comments to improve. But sometimes, i ended up being upset and disappointed with myself. But this time, with their support i feel more confident about my cakes! Yayness.